Tag Archive Edward Said


Because I’ve Read: Covering Islam

Covering Islam book coverIt’s a record! I have stuck with a book club for three books. I’m at least a month late, but I finished the third #BecauseWe’veRead book club choice, Covering Islam. Political-fashion blogger Hoda Katebi started the #BecauseWe’veRead after giving a TV interview. The host replied to a factual statement by Katebi with the claim she “didn’t sound like an American.” Katebi laughed it off with, “That’s because I’ve read!” Then she went home and started a virtual book club about the rest of the world. If “sounding American” means ignorance of facts about the rest of the world, I don’t want to sound American.

Because We’ve Read started with a focus on colonialism: Assata; Black Skin, White Masks; and Covering Islam. I’d been meaning to read Assata for literally decades. Black Skin, White Masks was a challenge. The premise was sound, and there is certainly value in exposure to different perspectives on colonialism and race than the American one. But dense social science language – in translation – and a pre-civil rights movement world view made it feel more like a historical curiosity than significant civil rights work.

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