Tag Archive ed wood


Open to Romance

Bride of the Monster poster

Ed Wood’s artistic vision

I try not to be unduly influenced by labels. The Spoonman on the street corner, the experimental-progressive underground rock band, and the latest Top 40 pop ingénue may all have something to contribute to the cultural dialogue. McG may never give the world a Citizen Kane, but I firmly believe in the artistic merit of John Woo’s ballet of violence.

If Ed Wood was really such a terrible director (and he was) why do we still watch his movies? Yes, we enjoy making fun of them, but dozens of other directors of B-grade horror movies have long since been completely forgotten. Wood’s movies have staying power because they were the expression, however flawed, of an artistic vision, and despite those flaws, they were expressed with a conviction that speaks to the audience more fluently than the vehicle itself. Read More