Concerted Resolution
Hmm. New Year’s Resolutions. Not really my thing. I always want to be healthier, make more money, and finish writing that novel. How is a...
Unidentified Playing Musician
I have no idea what concert this is from....
Edda of Angist
Angist is one of my favorite death metal bands, in large part due to Edda’s inhuman growl that sometimes give way to an eerie...
Solstafir Seven
Yesterday I saw Solstafir at El Corazon. It was Mother’s Day, and I’m sure I’ll do some kind of post about that later. For once,...
Asgeir Trausti in a Pub
My most popular post ever was about watching too many Asgeir Trausti sets at Iceland Airwaves in 2012. One of those shows was in a...