Tag Archive clips


Published in April and May

Image Gratisography.com

May went by in kind of a blur. I’ll be as surprised as anyone to see what I published in May. Actually, it looks like I haven’t written a clips post in a while, so this one will fill in what I wrote for publication in April and May. Ready? Let’s go. Read More


Stuff I Wrote in 2018 So Far

blocksSomehow, the first quarter of 2018 went by without a single post pulling together links to my paid writing. Oops. Well, better late than never. Here is a summary of my clips, bylines, what-have-you for 2018 so far, and quick look at how things are going for the blog at the new URL.

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Back to School Work

I’ve never outgrown the school/summer vacation cycle, and having school-aged kids has reinforced it. With kids underfoot, it’s hard to cram work in around my summertime “activities director” role. September means back to school(work) and schedules get hectic again. So far, October and November have been my busiest months, and I’m hoping that pattern continues this year, especially since summer was a little slow. But I did get a few things out in August and September. Here they are:

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Summer Work

Image c/o Gratisography

Summer. Work. I’ve never quite outgrown childhood’s summer vacation mentality, and it’s even harder now that I have kids of my own who get 10 weeks off. It’s a challenge to coordinate their freedom with my work, but I like to think I manage it with the grace and style pictured here.

Um, anyway, I have had a few things published so far this summer. Read on to see what you’ve missed.

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