Tag Archive China


A Beautiful Smile

At the China Community Art and Culture Hotel Restaurant, a puppet show to celebrate Children's Day.

At the China Community Art and Culture Hotel Restaurant, a puppet show to celebrate Children’s Day.

A few days into our trip, my daughter commented that people in Qingdao seemed nicer than people at home. She said, “Even when it’s their job to be nice to us, they just seem to mean it more. Except for the traffic, Qingdao feels safer than Seattle.” I knew what she meant, and I had to agree. I talked about the curious stares and occasional stink-eye in an earlier post, but the truth is, more often than not, once people figure out our relationship, the most common response is a thumbs up. After a couple of days in Qingdao, the first two words that came to mind to describe Qingdaonese were “kind” and “gentle.” Read More


Stink Eye


My daughter is convinced that everyone is staring at us. This notion is ridiculous. Not quite half the people we pass stare at us. Staring is just not as taboo in China, and we do stand out. A white woman walking with a Chinese child generates some cognitive dissonance on the streets of Qingdao, Shandong. Beside myself, I only saw one other white woman today. She was one of two Caucasians (an American couple) we spotted on our first day in China.  Read More


Hutong View


This view of a hutong was taken from the window of our high rise hotel room in Beijing in 2007. I wonder if it is still there?