Tag: China travel

Dirty Bird

One of the best things about travel is that first-hand experiences in other cultures demolishes stereotypes. One of the worst things about travel is that...

Recycling Pick Up

The United States has been in a bind since China stopped accepting our recycling for processing last year. Here is a photo of recycling pick...

The Gift of Lily

We were having fun acting like tourists in Qingdao, but I never forgot the real reason for our visit; even as we bought cheesy souvenirs...

The Kindness of Strangers

We were walking from the Tsingtao Brewery to Taidong Shopping Street. Beer Street fizzled out after the giant neon rainbow arch anchored by beer bottle...

Qingdao Shopping: Atrium City and Taidong

When you’re 10 years old, the most important part of traveling is buying souvenirs for your friends, so we spent our first afternoon in Qingdao...