Independent Bookstore Day 2023: Urban Updates
I can be a completist, but I’ve always approached Independent Bookstore Day with a more circumscribed plan. I’ve worked in an outward spiral from my...
Independent Bookstore Day 2022 – Island Outliers
Despite my love for filling up passports and my obsession with completeness, I’ve never tried to “win” Independent Bookstore Day for two reasons. First, getting...
Third Place Books
After decades in Seattle, I realized I had never been to the suburban “city” of Lake Forest Park. All I knew about it was that...
Historical Haul
In July of 2016 I went on a pilgrimage to Powell’s Books in Portland with my mom and my two kids. We spent two full...
Open Books
For years, I drove past Open Books, Seattle’s only poem emporium. I read some poetry, but I didn’t think I read enough poetry to bother...