Tag: books in translation

Looking at the grave of the invisible man

Spolia (the literary magazine associated with The Bookslut) has released a chapbook of Sjón's poems called at the grave of the invisible man, translated by...

Book Report: The Bathing Women

While helping my daughter navigate the graphic novel section at the International District Library, the cover of The Bathing Women on a nearby shelf caught...

Book Report: The Story of the Blue Planet

My latest dive into Icelandic literature is The Story of the Blue Planet by Andri Snær Magnason, translated by Julian Meldon D’Arcy. At first every...

Book Report: 101 Reykjavík

You’re supposed to read the book first. The movie is never as good and it will limit your imagination when you do read the book....

Book Report: Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell is a ghost story. No, that’s not true. Heaven and Hell, by Icelandic novelist Jón Kalman Stefánsson, is merely narrated by ghosts....