Tag: books

2017 in the Books

 This is my journey in books for 2017! This is my 2017 reading journey! TOTALS I read 32,108 pages across 129 books A big challenge...

A Bookish Saga

On my first trip to Iceland, I naively bragged that I had read all the sagas. My listener was too polite to do more than...

Independent Bookstore Day

Some people think I’m awful because I never remember birthdays, and holidays like Mother’s Day register more as minor annoyances than celebrations. But I’m not...

In Defense of the Slog

  No, I’m not talking about the Stranger Blog, although I’m sure it’s very nice. I’m talking about the lengthy, challenging book that you slog...

Nonfiction Novel Titles

Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Washington is a destination bookstore. In fact, it kind of is Lake Forest Park. There’s not really much else...