Tag: books

How I Roll

One year, I took my mom and my daughters to Victoria for a girls’ weekend getaway. We ended up buying so many books they filled...

Half Told Stories

How many things that I love can you fit in one picture? A bookstore. Featuring diverse stories (which is another way of saying stories you...

My 2019 in Books

Another year, another Goodreads Challenge. Since I started reading so many graphic novels, setting my challenge goal has been a challenge in itself. On the...

2017 in the Books

 This is my journey in books for 2017! This is my 2017 reading journey! TOTALS I read 32,108 pages across 129 books A big challenge...

A Bookish Saga

On my first trip to Iceland, I naively bragged that I had read all the sagas. My listener was too polite to do more than...