Tag: book reviews

Lachesis’ Allotment

I never knew the names of the Fates in Greek mythology until I saw the new musical, String, at Village Theatre last month. Lachesis is...

New Old World

 I don’t remember where I first read about New Old World by Pallavi Aiyar, but I do remember that I stopped reading and immediately put...

Book Report: Names for the Sea

People read travel stories about places they have never been in order to vicariously experience a trip they could never take themselves. Or they read...

Book Report: Frisky Business

Partway through 101 Reykjavík, I got fed up with Hlynur Björn. I had to take a break from him, so I picked up Tawna Fenske’s...

Book Report: LoveStar

In the week running up to Iceland Writers Retreat, I really dove into Icelandic fiction. It turns out that Icelandic novelists can be pretty challenging,...