Tag Archive Blue Lagoon


Rethinking the Blue Lagoon

The first time I went to Iceland’s Blue Lagoon was during Airwaves 2012. I entered on a press pass and listened to DJs while I soaked in the milky blue water, surrounded by lava rock. It was so cold and windy that day they couldn’t keep the water warm enough, but I stuck it out long enough to get a drink from the swim-up bar and experience each of the pool’s special features – waterfall, sauna, silica face mask. I concluded the Blue Lagoon was cool, but overpriced and over-hyped. Despite the pretty setting, the difference from normal Icelandic swimming pools didn’t justify the price.

Still, when I brought my whole family to Iceland this April, it felt obligatory. And now I’ve had to rethink my opinion. Read More


Nothing to See Here


Security at the Blue Lagoon Chill Party, Iceland Airwaves 2012


Blue Lagoon


Joseph Boyden says in Through Black Spruce

Fucking stories. Twisted things that come out no matter how we want them.

Regular readers of this blog know that if a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll take a thousand words. With less than two weeks left until Iceland Writers Retreat, I wanted to tell some stories about getting ready for that trip. But this week I am sick, and all my drafts keep getting twisted. So until the NyQuil wears off, I will leave you with a picture of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Right now, with my nose blocked and my head foggy, I can’t imagine anything better than soaking in its geothermally heated mineral waters.



Blue Lagoon Chill at Iceland Airwaves Saturday

Napping at KEXStamina began to be an issue on Saturday, and not just for the old farts like me. The occasional napper could always be found on the couches or in the hammock in the KEX lobby, but today they were dropping like flies. At one point, all of the couches were full.

I began to see the wisdom of hosting the Blue Lagoon Chill Party on Saturday afternoon, and as much of a challenge as it was to get up in time for the bus out there, I was really looking forward to treating my headbanger’s neck with a massage while floating in geothermal waters.

Chilling during Airwaves

Dropping like flies

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