Tag: blogging

I Heart the I Heart Reykjavik Blog

Can we talk about Iceland for a minute? My obsession with all things Icelandic is no secret, and over the course of a three trips...

Accountability Widget

Unless you are like me, and read all your blogs in a reader instead of visiting the website proper, you have probably noticed a new...

February on the Crooked Road

In case you missed them, here are the top 5 posts in February: Doe Bay Tradition: I posted a photo of my relatives who drove...

2014 in Review

The WordPress.com statistics helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Traffic The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people....

This is the End

The end of 2014, that is. And I feel like I should have something deep and powerful to say, but I’m all out of bang....