Tag Archive blog statistics


Stuff I Wrote in 2018 So Far

blocksSomehow, the first quarter of 2018 went by without a single post pulling together links to my paid writing. Oops. Well, better late than never. Here is a summary of my clips, bylines, what-have-you for 2018 so far, and quick look at how things are going for the blog at the new URL.

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November by the Numbers

photo by Gratisography.com

It’s that time again, folks – time for blog statistics! Read on for links to the most popular posts of the month and a list of intriguing search terms that led readers down this Crooked Road. Read More


September by the Numbers

Now is the time on Crooked Road when we share blog statistics. Read on for links to the most popular posts of the month and a list of intriguing search terms that led readers down this Crooked Road. Read More


February 2014: Statistically Speaking

I don’t know much about VIDA – no, I don’t mean “life,” although I’ve got plenty to learn there, too. I mean VIDA, the organization that formed in 2009 to create more space for women in the literary dialogue.

Having just attended the 2014 conference of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (more on that to come), I can confidently say that the representation of women in the community of people who identify themselves as writers is proportionate to the general population. But every year, VIDA undertakes a painstaking manual survey of literary publications and book reviews (think Audubon here) that quantifies women’s bylines, and the number of books written by women that get reviewed. The results are highly illuminating.

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Statistically Speaking

magnifying glassI usually don’t pay much attention to statistics on this blog, but today I spent a little time trying to see what they could tell me about myself. It turns out that digital feedback can be as uncomfortable as personal feedback. But at least there is humor in it, too. The only thing more amazing than what people search for on the internet is the fact that their search led them here.

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