Tag Archive Benjamin Griffiths


Red Angels at Pacific Northwest Ballet

Pacific Northwest Ballet principal dancers Lesley Rausch and Lucien Postlewaite in Ulysses Dove’s Red Angels, which PNB is presenting as part of DIRECTOR’S CHOICE, March 16 – 25, 2018. Photo © Angela Sterling.

Pacific Northwest Ballet dancers Lesley Rausch and Lucien Postlewaite in Ulysses Dove’s Red Angels, 2018. Photo © Angela Sterling.

When I watched part of the rehearsal for Director’s Choice at Pacific Northwest Ballet, my attention was captured by another piece (more on that one later). But during the performance, “Red Angels” was the one that stood out. When the piece ended and the lights came up, my nine-year-old (who usually prefers a more traditional style of ballet) turned me wide-eyed and said, “That was amazing.”

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Her Story at Pacific Northwest Ballet

“You never take me to the modern ballets,” my 8-year-old complained. “I only get to go to the story ballets.” Was she right? Conventional wisdom tells us to introduce kids to ballet through story, but I’ve never really bought it. After all, little kids are far more likely to spontaneously erupt into abstract dance than adults are, so why would they have a harder time understanding it? But as a reviewer, I do tend to take the kid closest to the age that readers are likely to want to bring, so maybe my artistic younger daughter had been unfairly sequestered in the story ballet ghetto? Fortunately, Pacific Northwest Ballet came to rescue with Her Story, a mixed rep of contemporary ballet choreographed by three of the world’s leading choreographers. The title implied a feminist theme, but the only link between the three pieces is that the choreographers are all women, and all three pieces are magnificent. Read More