Tag Archive Arizona


Old Bisbee Brewing Company

I was a kid when I lived in Arizona, so I don’t really know anything about its drinking culture. But I never had the sense of it as a craft brewing kind of place. So I was a little bit surprised to find The Old Bisbee Brewing Company, a microbrewery with intriguing and unfamiliar flavors when I returned for a touristy visit. I don’t remember exactly what this was – I think it had something to do with pears? – but it was tasty and unique and we bought extra to bring home.

Of course it was in Bisbee. As a shop lady in a neighboring town told me, “They’re kind of weird down there in Bisbee.”

Bisbee is my kind of town.


Here Lies Lester Moore

It’s a lie. Lester Moore does not lie here.

Even in the desert, wooden headstones don’t last centuries. But the small town of Tombstone, Arizona really leans into the legend. All the way down to recreating the graveyard with morbidly humorous tombstones.


Chiricahua Snow Hike

In December of 2015, the ski season in Washington had just gotten started. We spent the holidays in Arizona, and on that trip visited Chiricahua National Monument in the southern part of the state. Imagine our surprise at finding almost as much snow on the ground just a few miles from the Mexican border as we had just a few miles from the Canadian one.

Despite the snow, it wasn’t particularly cold, and the sun was shining. Our group ranged in age from 7 to 70-something, so we didn’t pick anything too challenging. But we still had a couple of really nice hikes in the desert. With snow.


Aggressive Driving

I don’t have anything particularly Easter-focused to post today, but Easter is supposed to be a time of peace. So here is a message of peace, Arizona-style.

Maybe I’m prejudiced, but I didn’t expect Arizona to spend government funds on public safety campaigns, let alone to have such clever messaging. This was one of several Star Wars-themed traffic safety messages we saw on Arizona freeways when we visited over the Christmas holidays in 2015.

Aggressive driving is the path to the dark side.

Growing up in Arizona in the ’70s and ’80s, I remember it as an aggressive driving kind of place. By aggressive, I mean people would pull over to the side of the road to get into fistfights over abrupt lane changes or cutting someone off. So I’m sure these traffic safety messages to aggressive drivers are needed. I hope they work.


Cactus Flower

cactus flower

A cactus flowering in a pot in my mom’s Arizona back yard. There is beauty in the desert. But to see it, you have to be either very lucky, or plant it yourself.