Tag Archive Apparat Organ Quartet


Music I Liked – Iceland 2012

Reykjavik! band at Airwaves


When I moved my blog, all of the internal links got broken. As I have time, I’m going back through old posts and updating links. Right now I’m working through a lot of material from my first trip to Iceland (for Airwaves in 2012) and it’s bringing back a lot of memories of Icelandic bands that I loved in the past that are no longer with us. Read More


The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend at Seattle’s Studio Seven

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

It seems like I’m always most interested in the opening bands. I flew to L.A. to see Amorphis open for Nightwish, I saw Epica because Insomnium was opening, and I bought tickets to see Lamb of God last summer because Gojira was on the bill. I finally got to see Gojira at Studio Seven a couple days ago. The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend opened. With a line-up of this quality, I thought the openers deserved their own post. Read More


Triangulation Thursday at Iceland Airwaves

Eldar live show at Airwaves 2012


I started out with a list of back to back shows scattered throughout the festival, only to discover that venue-hopping has its drawbacks. The wind was picking up, which made the walks very cold, and gusts were strong enough to slow my progress. Despite careful triangulation, making it to every scattered show I wanted to see on Thursday wasn’t, um, possible. Read More