Tag Archive Amorphis


Esa in Iceland

Amorphis is from Finland, but they are partly responsible for my obsession with Iceland. That’s because I got super into their music, which at the time drew on the Kalevala for lyrical content. Being me, I had to read the Kalevala. Once I read the Kalevala, the Eddas and the Icelandic sagas were an inevitable next step, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I dreamed of seeing them play in Iceland. Despite the geographic proximity of Finland and Iceland, Amorphis had never, in their 20+ year history, played that country. Until Eistnaflug 2016. Well, I flew to LA to see them once. This one was a no-brainer. I wanted to go to Eistnaflug anyway.


At El Corazon: Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, Moonspell, Omnium Gatherum, Blood and Thunder

Esa Holopainen of Amorphis photo c/o Casey Tanasse

I had some music lined up for a regular Music I Liked post today. But I’m going to punt it to next week because on Thursday I saw Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, Moonspell, Omnium Gatherum, and Blood and Thunder at El Corazon. It was all music I liked.

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Music I Liked – Allman Brothers, Amorphis, and Red Fang

Amorphis Queen of Time album coverLast week I liked listening to the music of the Allman Brothers (new and old), some old Red Fang, and the new album from Amorphis, Queen of Time. It looks like last week was all about the classic rock.

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Ticket Season Part Four: What I Bought

Spring is ticket season. Season ticket season, that is. I’ve already talked about the temptations of season tickets to Seattle OperaPacific Northwest Ballet, and Seattle Children’s Theatre. The truth is, I will try to attend as many performances by each of these worthy organizations as I can, but I did not buy season tickets to any of them. What did I ultimately spend my own money on? Read More


A History of My Life in 10 Songs

History of Rock'n'Roll in Ten Songs book cover

I have been reading Greil Marcus. I haven’t read A History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in 10 Songs yet, but the title intrigues me. One night I couldn’t sleep, and the result is the following chronological history of my life in ten songs. With only a couple exceptions, it would be more appropriate to list albums, but if singles are good enough for Marcus…

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