Secret Lagoon


Secret Lagoon

Although it looks like an abandoned shed and a natural pool from this angle, Secret Lagoon is actually a well maintained bath house with showers and amenities just off the Golden Circle route. Although it was still relatively secret when I visited years ago, these days you need a reservation or you probably won’t get in.

And can I tell you a secret? The day my family visited, I was so busy packing everything my kids might need for the Golden Circle that I forgot my own bathing suit at the hotel and had to pass my own underwear off as a bikini. (Don’t worry, I still showered properly.) These days, it’s possible to rent a bathing suit, so I must not have been the only person to make that mistake.

About the author

GD administrator

I'm a freelance content and grant writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.

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