Most of my paid writing covers the intersection between the arts and family life, and I am in the middle of crafting a pitch on introducing kids to opera, so Seattle Opera’s Frost Fest on February 6 is right in the center of my wheelhouse. Unfortunately, that day I have appointments and activities scheduled from 10 am to 10 pm, and I’m double booked for a big chunk of that time. Maybe some of you can take my place and tell me how it goes?
Details after the fold.
Information from the press release:
Come enjoy an exciting afternoon of music and fun at Seattle Opera’s Frost Fest! Featuring performances by the company’s Youth Opera Chorus, Teen Opera Players, and professional musicians, audiences will hear (and sometimes get to sing along with) classical and folk music from around the world, including songs from Liberia, Italy, Ireland, and the Dominican Republic.
Kids will also have a chance to make and play instruments, try on costumes, and “peek into backstage theater tricks.” (I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds cool.)
It’s hands on, the performances are short, and you probably won’t find yourself scrambling to explain what a courtesan is. Frost Fest sounds like a perfect way to introduce kids to opera without spending a lot of money on tickets or making your kids stay up really late at night. It’s the sort of event that you might only find in Seattle. Smaller cities don’t have the resources, and bigger ones might not bother including kids in their fine arts programming.
The event is at Cornish Playhouse, which is at the Seattle Center, just a few doors west of McCaw Hall. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. for activities; the one-hour performance begins at 2 p.m.
Tickets are required for both children and adults, but kids’ tickets are free. Adults pay $5.
Tickets can be purchased at
And seriously, let me know how it goes because I really want to be there.
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