It’s not the most professional image to accompany a list of recent publications, but it beautifully illustrates the haphazard nature of late summer freelance work. You’ve got the tools, you’re getting the work done, but there’s a certain … something … that’s missing. After an intense spring, I backed way off this summer. I did a lot of camping, made it to a couple music festivals, caught up with some friends (and my kids!) who wondered where I’d been all spring. I made deadlines and maintained connections with key clients, but I didn’t pursue new work.”Taking it easy” doesn’t mean “taking time off,” though. Here’s what I published in late summer.
‘Cats’ Finds Good Home at Youth Theatre Northwest
Is the tide turning against voter ID laws?
Wings Over Washington Takes Flight at Pier 57 in Seattle
Don’t feed the trolls—how to stop online harassment
‘Pokémon’ and the fine art of suing your own users
A primer on your rights at a music festival
3 strategies for shared parenting
Globe-trotting Music, Theater and Dance for Puget Sound Families
This last one is also in print, so if you live around Puget Sound, pick up a copy of the September ParentMap.
I also wrote a few blog posts and subsequently forgot about them. I’ll try to get them edited and published soon.
I hope your summer was as relaxing as mine, and that the autumn return to routine has not been painful. The nice thing about taking a break is the way it helps you remember that you actually do like your work (if it’s true). I’m really looking forward to taking on new projects this fall.
P.S. I haven’t been sharing stats in the last couple of these posts because I haven’t been very active on the blog. But I was the result of two fun search terms in the last month:
iceland hot dog stand
aubrey allicock
I had to search my archives for aubrey allicock. Turns out he’s the barihunk who played Figaro at Seattle Opera last season.
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