Please enjoy this roundup of article that published in September.
PAT Program for Parents of Teens Evolves to Serve Families
Pushing Back Against the ‘Decline by 9’ Trend in Reading
Strategies to Help Learning-Resistant Children Achieve
The Best Places to Find Dumplings in Seattle
Western Washington Medical Group
The Process of Hip Replacement Surgery
Immunotherapy Treatment for Allergies
Reading Down a Crooked Road
I only read three books in September, but they were all notable. I read the first complete English translation of the Chronicle of King Pedro of Portugal, which was pretty readable for a history written in the 15th century. Unfortunately, it spent less than a page on the infamous story of Pedro and the revenge he took on the men who murdered the woman he loved, Inês de Castro.
I got Martyr! from the library after hearing about it on the Nerdette podcast, and now I’ve got (another) new favorite author in Kaveh Akbar.
And finally, I made progress in my OCD quest to read everything by John Steinbeck, in order, by reading In Dubious Battle.
And that’s September in the books.
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