September is kind of my favorite month. September is back-to-school, switching t-shirts for sweaters, drinking hot lattes instead of iced. Or at least it usually is. This September was remote learning with scheduling mix-ups, smokestorms, and drinking more home-brewed drip coffee because coffee shops are off-limits. At least I can still bring home the bacon (well, not actually, I don’t eat pork). Anyway, I did get some work done. Read on for a list of things I published in September.

I feel strongly about this one: Alternatives to Tree Removal
I wrote more guides to shopping for better products:
Good, Better, Best: Shopping for Natural Fibers
Not So Good, Better, Best: Synthetic Fibers
Good, Better, Best: Leather and Leather Alternatives
I wrote about more environmental observance days:
Your Food Waste Has Global Impact
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
And some older articles were republished:
Landscaping for Fire Resistance
Start Thinking About Your Spring Garden Now
Getting Your Kids’ Hands on Real Books This Fall
Remote Learning Resources to the Rescue!
A Practical Guide to Starting Your College Search
How Green Is Your Child’s School?
Remote Resilience: Building Community During Distance Learning
Crooked Road
I posted ten times in September, which is more than the previous two months, but no one seemed to care. Traffic was down and so were most other metrics. Maybe there’s a lag time in user behavior? Anyway, the most popular posts in September were:
Amnesia: The Ultimate K-Drama Trope
The Necessary and Proper Clause
Summer Expectations vs. Reality
Drunken Piggyback Ride K-Drama Trope
Search Terms
Usually it’s interesting to see what search terms brought people to this page. But in September it was kind of boring. The most popular search term was my name. Next up was a Constitution post, but not the usual one (Weights and Measures). After that, someone must have been looking for a particular K-drama because a bunch of search terms that combined K-drama, amnesia, car accidents, and memory loss.
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