If you’re an editor looking for my recent work, or if you’re a fan *cough* family member keeping track of everything I write, this is where you’ll find links to all my publications in the past month. It’s also where I report on blog performance and oddities. In October, I helped a local nonprofit with some grant work and had eleven articles published between Earth911.com and ParentMap. The grant applications are not for public consumption, but links to the articles are hot off the press (or hot out of the dryer) below.

Alternatives to Tree Removal – a story close to my heart
World Habitat Day – it’s actually about people
The Problem with That Wood Smoke Smell – hint, it’s pollution
Smart Ways to Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable
Good, Better, Best: Vegetarian Protein – there’s more to it than tofu
Wildfire Prevention: Where Safety and Environmentalism Connect
And there was a reprint (repost?)
Don’t Put the Garden to Bed Yet
The Winter Sports Report – a guide to socially distant snow sports around Puget Sound
Teaching Kids the Skills They Need to Make and Keep Friends – My childhood would have been so much easier if I’d known this was a subject you could study.
Bystander Power: Teaching Kids to Stand Up Against Bullying – it can be easier than you – and they – think
Cyberbullying 101: Remote Learning Edition – bullying has changed with the times. Here’s what you need to know.
Beyond Harry Potter: 8 Inclusive Fantasy Series to Read Instead – If recent transphobic comments by She Who Must Not Be Named have turned your family off the classic series, there are plenty of other good books out there.
Crooked Road
I published 14 posts on the blog in October. That’s four more than I published in September, and quite a bit more than I was pushing out in the summertime. Just when I was starting to get the hang of Google Analytics, they updated the site and I don’t think it would be any more confusing if it was all in Tagalog. So for now, I have no idea how many people are visiting the blog or what they’re doing there.
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