Well, I’m a bit late on this roundup because December is busy. But if you need a break from the holiday frenzy, here is what I wrote that published in November. The list is a bit sparse because I spent a lot of time working on my project for a grant writing course, which, I am happy to say, I completed with a perfect score. So, call me if you need a grant written, and otherwise, read on.
New Parents Find Support During the Big Dark
This one actually came out in December, but you’d probably rather read it now than next month:
Holiday Traditions: Local Families Share Why They Matter
Best Places to Go Sledding and Snow Tubing for Seattle Area Families
Seattle Times
‘Legally Blonde: The Musical’ offers serious fun in Issaquah
Seattle Girls Choir puts a new twist on a Christmas tradition
Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling
An Overview of Total Knee Replacement
Reading Down a Crooked Road
I read nine books in November, and it was a mix of serious, literary works and fun, fluffy stories. On the serious side, I read the Purity, the next translation from my And Other Stories subscription, the translation of Ibn Battutah’s medieval travel memoir, Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak, and this year’s Seattle Reads book, Parable of the Sower. Bridging the gap between serious and fun, I reread Ken Mochizuki’s YA book Beacon Hill Boys, about growing up Asian in Seattle in the decades before the city was cool. On the fun side, I started reading Immortals After Dark, the crazy sauce paranormal romance series that spawned its own podcast, and continued reading series from two of my favorite romance authors, Jeannie Lin’s Pingkang Li Mysteries and Tawna Fenske’s List series.
And that’s November in the books.
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