Here is a roundup of my articles published in May. I hope you find something to enjoy.
Epiphany School
I didn’t write new articles for them in May, but I did spend some time helping local independent elementary Epiphany School put together their new blog, which does include content I wrote for them in the past.
Meet a Local Teen With a Passion for Technology in the Service of Sustainability
Northwest Folklife Festival for Families
18 Books for Kids That Feature LGBTQ Characters
The True Cost of Food Waste in Washington
5 Easy Things You’re (Probably) Not Doing to Live Sustainably
Seattle Times
Northwest Terror Fest, ‘for and by metalheads,’ returns
Seattle Opera’s ‘Barber of Seville’ is fun and fizzy
Meet ‘the Beyoncé and Taylor Swift of their day’
What is Prediabetes and How to Reverse It
The Watchman Device: In Patients with AFib, an Alternative to Bloodthinners
Reading Down a Crooked Road
I read 13 books in May, including several graphic novels. Reading Around the World, I added The Orphan Sky from Azerbaijan. I finally finished reading The Silk Road: A New History. It was a dense book based on archaeology and historic records that I think is used as a college textbook, and although very interesting, it took me many months to complete it.
Another notable read was Sparks: China’s Underground Historians and their Battle for the Future. I really cannot recommend this book highly enough. Going back to the beginning of the Communist Party to the current day, Ian Johnson profiles academics and individuals who have worked against censorship and politspeak to ensure the existence of a factual record of events in China, often at the expense of their lives. If you think there is not history of dissent in China, if you are interested in 20th century history, if you want to understand China’s role in global politics – if you have any interest in China or in history at all, I recommend this book. I’ve read everything about Chinese history that I can get my hands on, and this book still included so many things I had never heard about before.
In May, I watched Dead Boy Detectives. I’ve loved everything by Neil Gaiman that I ever read or watched. Dead Boy Detectives is a spinoff story of minor characters from the Sandman universe, and I’m not sure how involved Gaiman was in the show’s development. But I still enjoyed it quite a bit and hope there will be a season 2.
And that’s May in the books.
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