I’m pretty sure that saying, “I liked things better during lockdown” is a major faux pas. But for me, work was a lot easier when I didn’t have to leave my desk to do it and didn’t have to factor in time for driving my kids around to their various activities. I shouldn’t be complaining, but productivity did take a hit this summer. Hopefully I’ll be back on track soon. But in the meantime, here are the articles I wrote that published in July.

Direct Trade Takes Consumers to the Source
The Hidden Environmental Cost of Added Sugars
Equal Exchange Does Democratic Business
Removing Batteries From The Internet of Things
Is Biodynamic Better Than Organic?
What Does CO2-Eq Have to Do with My Climate Impact?
These articles were reprinted (republished?):
Understanding the Population Problem
A couple articles for the August print issue posted at the very end of the July online. I’ll probably end up including them in both monthly link roundups.
Cool Contests for Creative Kids
Nonprofit Teen Feed Runs on Radical Compassion
Plan a Pandemic-Proof Summer Day Trip to Blake Island
I had some reprints here, too:
Awesome Books That Celebrate Summer Adventures
Seattle Times
MOHAI exhibit lets you test some of Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions
Crooked Road
I’m still not back to blogging much and maybe I never will be. But for what it’s worth, here are some details about July on the Crooked Road.
Popular Posts
Further reinforcing my impression that I should convert to blogging about K-drama, the top posts in July were:
Amnesia, The Ultimate K-drama Trope
Secret Childhood Connections in K-drama
Common Queries
Eight of the top ten searches leading to my site were variations on “K-drama amnesia.” The other two were:
At least the last one is interesting. Ausrine Stundyte was one of the two performers who sang Tosca the last time it came to Seattle. And Seattle Opera wrapped up their digital season with Tosca this year. So I guess I don’t have to give up on opera blogging after all.
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