Well, here it is, the end of February, and I’m just now collecting links to all the work that published in January. Hopefully you can still find something to enjoy.
Beware the Red List – Top Materials to Avoid in Your Home
Traveling More Sustainably During a Pandemic
Get the Lead Out (of Your Home)
The State of the Plastic Bottle
PVC: Another Problematic Plastic
Recycling Mystery: Dental Appliances
Good, Better, Best: The Climate Impacts of Milks
How Commercial Composting Works
Bad, Better, Best: The Climate Impact of Meat
Finding the Best Raised Bed Kit
Not much of what I do for EarthGen gets published in the traditional sense. But sometimes a story finds it way to a linkable page on the internet. Here is one of those.
Seattle Times
Meet the new artistic force behind one of Seattle’s biggest theater companies
Crooked Road
Popular Posts
I published seven posts on the blog in January but the usual suspects continued to dominate the top four positions.
In fifth position was my review of Romeo et Juliette from PNB at Home, probably because PNB was performing it again (in-person this time) in February.
The it’s back to the K-drama tropes with Piggyback Ride and the Separation Bribe in sixth and eighth places. The only new posts to make the top ten were Better Times and Cat Snacks. And inexplicably, my review of Cosi fan Tutti rounded out the top ten.
Common Queries
Mostly shuffling around the same search terms that were popular in previous months, in January “growth of the soil summary” topped the list. This was followed by:
amnesia kdrama (and four variations on the theme scattered throughout the top 10 search terms)
uniqlo airism mask review (and one variation)
gemma alexander
and this doozy “choose your own adventure sex” which I blame on author Tawna Fenske.
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