Here is a roundup of my articles published in April. I hope you find something to enjoy.
Can You Meet the 60×40 Plastic Reduction Target?
Suspect ADHD? How and When to Screen Your Child
Fantastic (and Mostly Free) Spring Festivals for Families
Seattle Times
Northwest Terror Fest, ‘for and by metalheads’
Western Washington Medical Group
Preventing & Treating Osteoarthritis: The Most Common Form of Arthritis
Crooked Road
I read six books in April, including the biography of a female sea captain from the early 1800s and Afterglow, the EarthGen book club choice for April. I also read my Reading Around the World Choice for Austria, which will get its own post soon.
I watched the anime Snow White with the Red Hair, which was a surprisingly satisfying shojo that actually made very little reference to problematic fairy tale. Instead, it followed two young people striving to their best in their respective fields while falling in love with each other in a respectful relationship based on friendship and mutual support. Why is that such an unusual story to tell?
And following along with my daughter’s Bollywood class, I rewatched Aamir Khan’s Lagaan, which I maintain is one of the best movies ever made, full stop.
And that’s April in the books.
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