I recently wrapped up a government contract writing PMPs (project management plans – yes, I speak some PMBOK) and legislative packages. Based on conversations with my government coworkers, I think they imagine my non-office life to look something like the photo to the left. And while the fashion sense may not be much better, real life is a whole lot busier.
I got off to a slow start this year, but in the first six months, I turned in 40 freelance articles and blog posts (present website not included). Some of them were published in June.
I already told you about the multi-part feature on Pike Place Market that ran in print and online in the June ParentMap, but I’m super proud of it so I’m sharing the links again.
I also visited the Half the Sky exhibit at the Gates Foundation Visitor Center, and had some advice for parents. In preparation for summer vacation (and just in time for my own family’s planned anime marathon) I talked to an expert about Summer Screentime. I also came up with some suggestions for filling summer vacation days with visits to some Quirky Seattle Landmarks. If you have some shopping planned, I wrote up the ParentMap Shopping and Services Golden Teddy winners, which appeared in print and online.
But if you’re planning on traveling, you might want to skip this piece on things to fear when flying.
Things got listy on the legal front, with 5 Current Challenges to Civil Rights (t was hard to narrow the list down) and Four New Rules for Short-term Rentals.
Here on the blog, the top three posts in June were:
I’m surprised (but very pleased, since I’m working through the whole thing anyway) that anyone wanted to read my ramblings on the Constitution. Less surprised, given the popularity of the Preamble post, that most readers this month were from the U.S. (Canada and U.K. were the next most interested).
All but two search terms were “unknown” this month, so apparently everyone is using the Google, which encrypts its search terms. After reading Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother last month, I’m mostly glad about that, but it does take away some blogging fun. The search terms I could see were:
gemma alexander skalmöld
gemma d first interview
So apparently someone who doesn’t use Google is interested in my journalism background.
And that’s what I got up to in June.
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