Old Bisbee Brewing Company


Old Bisbee Brewing Company

I was a kid when I lived in Arizona, so I don’t really know anything about its drinking culture. But I never had the sense of it as a craft brewing kind of place. So I was a little bit surprised to find The Old Bisbee Brewing Company, a microbrewery with intriguing and unfamiliar flavors when I returned for a touristy visit. I don’t remember exactly what this was – I think it had something to do with pears? – but it was tasty and unique and we bought extra to bring home.

Of course it was in Bisbee. As a shop lady in a neighboring town told me, “They’re kind of weird down there in Bisbee.”

Bisbee is my kind of town.

About the author

GD administrator

I'm a freelance content and grant writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.

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