Music I Liked – Frazey Ford, Marisa Anderson, Gruntruck
This week I mostly kept listening to music from Pickathon. Frazey Ford and Marisa Anderson were on heavy rotation. Then my husband randomly put on Gruntruck in the living room, and I liked that too.
Frazey Ford
I saw Frazey Ford‘s set on Thursday at Pickathon, and I liked it for oh so many reasons. I’ve listened to her album Indian Ocean a lot this week. But since I’ve used her video for “Done” a bunch already, here’s a Bob Dylan cover.
Marisa Anderson
Marisa Anderson was a Pickathon highlight, and since I bought her CD, it’s been the only music playing in my car since I got home.
Gen X has had a thing for nostalgia since we first started laying down memories. I hadn’t thought about Gruntruck in years until my husband put them on the living room stereo. But it instantly brought back old times. Good stuff.
Or for better sound….