Music I Like – Death Metal Mold
It’s supposed to be a compliment when someone say’s “They broke the mold with that one.” It implies that no one else will ever be quite like it. But the truth is, most of the time, we’d rather hang on to the mold and keep making more things like the first one. Death metal (and near-identical twin, blackened death) is one of those things. A good death metal band can not be distinguished from other good death metal bands using words. They are all born from the same mold. But the ear can hear differences within the formula that make some stand above the others. Here a few albums in the death metal mold that I like.
Founded in 2006, Irish band Gravefields has been around a good while. But they are far from old enough to count as OG death metal. Nevertheless, Embrace the Void sounds like the template for blackened death metal.
Brutal death metal is what “death metal” used to mean before shades of black and heightened technicality crept in. Not sure what I mean? Check out Devourment‘s Obscene Majesty. Death metal. It’s what’s for dinner.
Witch Vomit
These days it’s a pretty safe bet that I’ll like anything released by 20 Buck Spin and Witch Vomit‘s Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave perfectly exemplifies the aesthetic that gets me every time. Subterranean growled vocals, mostly midtempo with intermittent blast beats, old school death metal noodling alternating with chugging riffs that compel head banging. Please sir, can I have some more?
Tomb Mold
Well, there are molds, and then there’s Tomb Mold. These days I’m a sucker for anything on 20 Buck Spin, but I feel like I’ve written about Tomb Mold before, but I have to include them again here. Besides, Planetary Clairvoyance is newer than the album I listened to before.
Blood Red Throne
They’re from Norway. They’ve got a satisfyingly evocative name that you still wouldn’t be embarrassed to say in front of a coworker. They’ve got solid growls, midtempo riffs, and a healthy dose of noodling. All standard issue so far. Angry Metal Guy gave Fit to Kill a solid, middling 3.5. I don’t know exactly what’s special about Blood Red Throne, but they just work for me.
Lord Gore
Scalpels for Blind Surgeons from Lord Gore starts with fleshy sounds layered over tentative guitars before loogie-hawking guttural vocals and rapid riffing take over. But you knew that from the name, didn’t you? Why would anyone want to be surprised when what they’re already expecting is so much fun?
Coffin Rot
Coffin Rot. From the stupid, gross album art to the phlegmy growls, Monument to the Dead is seriously OSDM with a dash of thrash and I love it.
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About The Author
I'm a freelance writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.