I’ve written before about how guitar is the home base that my musical tastes always return to. So it stands to reason that one post wouldn’t fit all the divine guitar music I like.

Jakub Zytecki
Noodly guitar today doesn’t have quite the same sound as noodly guitar did back in the day. That doesn’t make it better or worse, it’s just another texture. Jakub Zytecki and his mostly instrumental albums like Nothing Lasts, Nothing’s Lost perfectly embody the bubblier sound of the new guard.
Fire by the Silos is a (mostly) instrumental concept album about a person who loses everything in the social and political upheaval of the near future. There is some spoken word about homelessness. And while I can see the story in the music, for me, this Toska album is all about the guitar.
Luca Stricagnoli
Well, there’s guitar music and then there’s guitar music. Like a lot of guitar gods, Luca Stricagnoli seems to be more about the technique than the songwriting – even his albums are mostly covers, and pretty much everything he’s posted on YouTube is a cover. But when you’re watching someone play a 3-neck guitar, you kind of want the anchor of familiar music keep things from getting too surreal.
Hayden Pedigo
According to the Bandcamp article about him, Hayden Pedigo is all over the map for creative output. But what drew me to him was the American primitive finger-picked melodies on the single “Letting Go.” I rarely feature singles, because I prefer to listen to whole albums. But this was the song that led me to his other albums like Valley of the Sun, where the guitar shares space with synths to create a different kind of music that is also interesting.
No need to gild the lily. Obscura‘s A Valediction is just noodley fun.
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