Category: Yoga

Happy New Year

The first yoga class I attended in the new year began with Kali mudra. The teacher talked about how our understanding of Kali is limited...

A Case of the Mondays

A few years back, I took a trip on a whim to Costa Rica with a girl I barely knew. It was about as good...

Craving Pilates

My favorite yoga teacher, Tami Hafzallah, often tells her students to take the variation or pose “that your body is craving today.” For a long...

Intensity Without Struggle

The antibiotics finally banished my month-long sinus infection and I was able to return to yoga after missing a some classes and half-assing many more....

Feel the Burn (in Your Sinuses)

It’s a pretty well documented phenomenon that people tend to resist what is best for them. For example, I could quite happily sit on my...