Category: Writing

Book Report: O My America!

In preparation for Iceland Writers Retreat, I am reading a book by each of the featured authors. Although it feels weird to review a book...

Book Report: A Year of Wonders

After randomly picking up Heliopolis, I put library holds on books by each of the remaining featured Iceland Writers Retreat authors. Then I wandered over...

Book Report: Heliopolis

In preparation for Iceland Writers Retreat, I am reading at least one book by each of the featured authors before I go. Although it’s a...

Book Report: The Truth About Luck

After I signed up for Iceland Writers Retreat, it occurred to me that I should probably be familiar with the writing of the featured authors...

2013 Crooked Road in Review

The blog statistics helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200...