April by the Numbers
In the past few months, I’ve been paying attention to blog statistics. Sometimes I learn something useful. I’m not sure what you readers get from...
Curiouser and Curiouser
I was stopped at a red light while driving my daughter to preschool. Next to me was one of those public wastelands, a strip of...
An Imposture of Writers at Iceland Writers Retreat
Ironically, there is no collective noun for writers. According to Google, James Lipton has suggested “a worship of writers.” Although Lipton is an expert on...
The realm of the unexpected
Such a wonderful encapsulation of the Iceland Writers Retreat! Please click through to read my fellow Retreat alum Carrie Breck’s write-up. The Realm of the...
March by the Numbers
While I am learning how to write at the Iceland Writers Retreat, here is a quick look at what my statistics page has to tell...