Category: Writing

Summer Work

Summer. Work. I’ve never quite outgrown childhood’s summer vacation mentality, and it’s even harder now that I have kids of my own who get 10...

Previously, on the internet

I recently wrapped up a government contract writing PMPs (project management plans – yes, I speak some PMBOK) and legislative packages. Based on conversations with...

Recently Written

I went to Iceland in April (I hope to write more about that soon) and increased my government work in May, but I am still...

Words of Summer

In English we say “busy as a bee,” but in Japanese the industrious insect is the dragonfly. Whatever simile you want to use, I’ve been...

A Brief Wondrous Read – Oscar Wao

Since I started hanging out with writers, I’ve discovered that I don’t read the Right Sort of Books. Even though I read all the time,...