Category: Travel

The Scent of Hyacinths

I grew up in Arizona, so a lot of traditional garden flowers were unfamiliar to me. As a young adult, I did some backpacking in...

A Bookish Saga

On my first trip to Iceland, I naively bragged that I had read all the sagas. My listener was too polite to do more than...

Butchart Gardens

  I’ve visited gardens all over the world, but it took me nearly 20 years living in the Pacific Northwest to get around to visiting...

Records and Guesthouse

I can’t make it to Eistnaflug this year, but as the festival approaches, my thoughts wander to East Iceland. The tiny town of Eistnaflug has...

Rethinking the Blue Lagoon

The first time I went to Iceland’s Blue Lagoon was during Airwaves 2012. I entered on a press pass and listened to DJs while I...