Category: Travel

Airport Hotel of Sorts

When I planned my last trip to China, I was a little worried about having enough time to change planes in Shanghai on the way...

Dirty Bird

One of the best things about travel is that first-hand experiences in other cultures demolishes stereotypes. One of the worst things about travel is that...

Oh My Garden

In Qingdao, my daughter and I loved going to those chichi cafes like the girls in the comic books do. The decor is the point...

The Universal Dog

Few species are as diverse as the dog. From chihuahuas to Irish wolfhounds, dogs have been bred into almost any variation humans can imagine. There...

Ægir, The Brewery in Flåm

I expected the village of Flåm to be a pit stop on our DIY Norway in a Nutshell tour. Instead, it turned out to be...