Published in January 2020
Since December is usually a bit of a quiet month for work, January is usually a bit quiet for publications. But the cogs keep turning,...
2019 in a Nutshell
I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, but I do love documentation. As a perfectionist, I like to have thorough records. And as a perfectionist,...
Published in December
I began the month of December in Hong Kong, where I kept working while my kids trained in kung fu. But when I got home,...
Published in September and October
Ah, back-to-school season. It makes everyone (sample size: one) feels smarter. And it makes sticking to a work schedule much easier. In case you missed...
Published In May 2019
Since I spent a lot of April traveling in Norway, I didn't pitch as much as usual. But it doesn't seem to have mattered, since...