Category: Statistics

Latest Bylines and a 2017 Recap

In December I barely posted on the blog at all because I was working on the move to self-hosting. Even opting for the easy peasy...

New Releases

I didn’t have any government work in October, so it felt like a slow month. But when it comes to content marketing and features writing,...

Recent Work

It’s not the most professional image to accompany a list of recent publications, but it beautifully illustrates the haphazard nature of late summer freelance work....

April Word Count Showers

I managed to keep up a deluge of freelance output in April despite a big deadline at my county gig. If you’re interested in what...

Rearview Mirror: Recent Writing

It’s been a busy couple of months on the Crooked Road. As it often does, change came suddenly, and I went from barely working half...