Category: Seattle

Johan Hegg Broke My Leg

Okay, he didn’t actually break my leg, just messed up my left knee pretty badly. Okay, he didn’t personally mess up my knee. But it...

Jumping on the Bed

Monkeys jumping on the bed at the Fremont Solstice Festival Parade in 2008....

Bumbershoot Blogging Break

I spend Labor Day weekend at Bumbershoot every year, and I recommend that you do too. It’s not too late – check out my guide...

Giselle at Pacific Northwest Ballet

Giselle is right up there with Swan Lake when it comes to ballet fame. But I was still surprised when my oldest daughter gasped, “I...

Opera on Tap

On a recent Wednesday night, while the rest of the family was upstairs reading bedtime stories, I snuck out of the house and met my...