Little Mortal Jump at Pacific Northwest Ballet
It’s been a few days now and I’m still thinking about Little mortal jump, the opening piece in the Emergence mixed-rep ballet I saw at...
Emergence Mixed Rep at Pacific Northwest Ballet
The ballet has left me breathless before, but breathless and speechless? That’s new. There is so much to say about the current mixed rep at...
Ballet 101: Contemporary Ballet at Pacific Northwest Ballet
This season Pacific Northwest Ballet launched an audience education program called Ballet 101. It was great timing for me. It coincided with my decision to...
Friday Preview of Director’s Choice at Pacific Northwest Ballet
Last Friday, I got to watch a professional ballet rehearsal through PNB’s Friday Previews program. I’m not sure whether the assortment of peripheral ballet experiences...
Opera on the Radio
Last week I listened to Seattle Opera’s Beatrice and Benedict broadcast on the radio. I’ve mentioned before that, despite my love for opera, I rarely...