Category: Music

The Fright Catalog of Warrior Soul

A few days ago, Kim Kelly posted an interview on Noisey with Joseph Moconi, the linguist/poet behind the surreal poem performed exquisite corpse-like by a...

Help! I Have a Samaris Question

Among many cute Icelandic things Icelandair does, like naming each plane in their fleet after an Icelandic volcano, is playing Icelandic music in the cabin...

Airwaves in August

This used to be my favorite season, but the past couple years, I’ve found myself getting a little blue in early November. No matter what...

The First Rule of Bravo Club

The first rule of Bravo Club is… You must be under 40 at the beginning of the opera season. Okay, so that’s different from the...

Skipping Asgeir Trausti

Ásgeir Trausti released his first album in spring of 2012 but I’ve already seen him five times. I was one of the first people to...