Category: Music I Like

Music I Like – Summer Jams

Music writers love to proclaim “This year’s summer jam.” My summer jams tend to repeat from year to year (cough*Allman Brothers* cough). Just like some...

Music I Like – Epically Atmospheric

Some people listen to music for the beats, others for the melody. Some people like to sing along. Apparently, I go for atmosphere. Here are...

Eclectic Music I Like

I used to write random Music I Like posts that included whatever I discovered each week. Then I started thinking of themes and started draft...

Music I Like – Dark Moods

Before I ever heard heavy metal, I was drawn to the darkest, moodiest things I heard on Top 40 radio. In the 80s, that meant...

Music I Like – Women of Hip Hop

I hardly ever write about hip hop because I can’t listen to it most of the time. Rap is too verbal for me to listen...