Category: Music I Like

Music I Like – Black Metal

I’ve always liked metal, but it took me a long time to come around to black metal. First, there’s the culture. I have a strong...

More Asian Metal I Like

When I wrote about Asian metal I like, a few mistakes were made. Some album covers were switched, some bands in my notes were overlooked....

Music I Like – Post-Everything

I don’t know why, maybe it’s the echo-filled production, the sparkly guitars, meandering song forms or emphasis on atmosphere, but if the genre tag has...

Music I Like – Instru-Metal

It’s happened more times than I can count. I see a band that looks interesting on a streaming site. I hit play. The opening notes...

Music To Say WTF To

My taste in music is broad and eclectic. I have very few prescriptive standards. But I’m not quite jaded. It doesn’t happen very often, but...