Category: Music I Like

Music I Like Outside My Wheelhouse

My tastes are varied, but everyone has certain sounds they gravitate towards more than others. Most of the time, I’m listening to death metal, bluesy...

Assorted Music I Like

I usually save up music until I have enough to fill a post on particular themes. But I’m way behind in blogging. I’ve got dozens...

More Dark Pop Music I Like

When I was working on my Spillover music post, so many goth pop albums came up that I realized I needed a second post for...

Isolation Music I Like

Solitude and art have always gone together. But the past year, even the most extroverted among us [hint: that’s not me] is finding themes of...

Music I Like From Portland

When I was younger I thought Seattle was the center of the musical world. But I can’t help noticing that most of the bands I...