Category: K-drama Tropes

K-Drama Loves Adopted Boys

I’m not sure why, but it’s extremely rare in K-drama for male love interest to grow up with his biological parents. This does not seem...

Damseled Princes

I’m a sucker for gender-flipped stories and the way they shed light on common tropes. A manic pixie dream boy doesn’t teach an uptight female...

The Power of Awareness in Healer

As you do, I was gushing about Healer, one of my favorite K-dramas. In Healer, Ji Chang Wook’s title character did cool parkour style action...

Uniqlo Airism Mask Review

A year into the pandemic and I still haven’t learned how to wear a mask. Fogged glasses, pulled ears, poked under-eyelids, excess moisture, and worst...