Category: Iceland

How to get to Eistnaflug

Eistnaflug is a remote and mysterious ritual, underground even among the denizens of its home country and virtually unheard of outside of Iceland. More famous...

Book Report: Names for the Sea

People read travel stories about places they have never been in order to vicariously experience a trip they could never take themselves. Or they read...

Book Report: The Story of the Blue Planet

My latest dive into Icelandic literature is The Story of the Blue Planet by Andri Snær Magnason, translated by Julian Meldon D’Arcy. At first every...

Book Report: 101 Reykjavík

You’re supposed to read the book first. The movie is never as good and it will limit your imagination when you do read the book....

Book Report: LoveStar

In the week running up to Iceland Writers Retreat, I really dove into Icelandic fiction. It turns out that Icelandic novelists can be pretty challenging,...